
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2020

4.3 - A person that works in your field: Germán del Sol

Germán del Sol is a Chilean architect who start his career studying in Universidad Católica de Chile, but he turned in architect when he graduated from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura in Barcelona, Spain. One of the things that I admire of him it´s how he combines architecture with nature, in his most important projects he finds the way to do this and it´s admirable, because his designs are coherent with the space and biodiversity. I think that every project needs to be connected with the place roots and respect it, but German del Sol go beyond of that and design complexly and efficiently. His most featured works are the Chilean Pavilion in the Universal Expo of Sevilla in 1992, Explora Hotel in the Desert of Atacama, Remota Hotel in the Chilean Patagonia and the Geometric Hot Springs in Araucanía Region of the same country. The diversity of his projects reveal the type of architect he is, that’s why he is a referent of me when I do my own projects.  German del So

4.2 - Musical discover in quarantine

Since the quarantine started (I do voluntary quarantine) I`d been discovering a lot of music that before didn´t engaged me, I think that this happened because I listened so much the same music the first weeks of quarantine, so one day, I was doing homework and I knew that I would be for many hours doing it, I put a song of Led Zeppelin and that changed everything, after that It was The Ramones, Nirvana, The Cure, Soundgarden, etc. Now I can do my things with a lot of different music because I can be listening reggaeton and one hour after I could be with Chuck Berry for example, it´s a new experience to do my homework and leaves me do it with more tranquility, changes of rhythm, moods, and anything else. Week after week I`d been taking this engagement to all my life, when I do sport, go to shopping, clean my bedroom, etc. I hope that in the future keep it up. 

4.1 - Story for a Photograph

The story behind this photo it´s about the solar eclipse day the past year. First of all, I want to say that I ran all over Santiago looking for a glass to see the eclipse and don´t hurt my eyes. That day I was in the university when a friend said to me that she needed my help to find a drug store or any place who sell the glass, we were against the time because the eclipse it was going to be in two hours, so we had that time for find the glass, go to our houses and watch the solar eclipse. We were walking (faster) around Santiago Centro until an old man said to us that he had his last glasses in sell, but the problem was the value, it was too expensive for us, but we didn´t had choice and we bought it. After that I went to my department and I could saw the eclipse without hurt my eyes.

3 - WebQuest 1

       1.    Natural History Museum -        What day you will visit: I´ll visit it Monday at the afternoon (P.M) -        How much you will have to pay to get in: 5.00  £  -        Which Tube station you will use to get there: I´ll use South Kenningston Station (Stop E)        2. The Tate Modern Art Gallery: -        What day you will visit: I´ll visit it Tuesday at the morning (A.M) -        How much you will have to pay to get in: 5.00  £ -        Which Tube station you will use to get there: I´ll use Southwark Station.        3. London Eye:  -        What day you will visit: I´ll visit it Wednesday at the afternoon (P.M) -        How much you will have to pay to get in: 20.00 £ (Student ticket) -        Which Tube station you will use to get there: I´ll use Waterloo Station.        4. Wembley Stadium:  -        What day you will visit: I´ll visit it Thursday at the morning (A.M) -        How much you will have to pay to get in: 15.00 £  -       

1 - WebQuest 2

1. Fill in the definition here: The total  amount  of  greenhouse  gases  produced  to directly and indirectly  support  human activities, usually expressed in equivalent  tons  of  carbon dioxide  (CO2). 2. Provide some examples (from the same website): Amount of CO2 emitted by burning one liter of gasoline:  2.3 kg of CO2. Driving a car for 6 km:  this activity add 1 kg of CO2 to your personal footprint. Creating 5 plastic bags:  this activity add 1 kg of CO2 to your personal footprint. Producing a cheeseburger:  3.1 kg of CO2. 3. Quiz results:  What is your carbon footprint weight?  114%   What is the target weight impact?  11,9 tonnes What percentage was in: stuff  22% , travel  30% , food  16% , home  32 % “Plants and animals can adapt to climate change, right?” 4.  When was the last time the Earth warmed up so fast?  To see it, we have to go back millions of years to what's called the paleocene-eocene thermal maximum which happened about 55 million years ago. 5.  What is th

About Meditation Video

- What do you think of the video? Do you meditate? Why? Do you feel it works? Why? I think that it's a good video because give useful information for people who are stressed or anxious (quarantine stuff) and I think it will help them.  I don´t meditate, because I'd never wonder it, maybe if I do it I could kick out all that stress that university generates me, but for other side I do workout all the week and that helps enough for now. -How are you feeling these days? Why? In this last days I didn't ask myself it, because I´m in the final exams of the semester, so I think that I'm fine but with a lot of things to do (this is one lol). -How do I feel when the English class starts? I feel good, Wednesday afternoons are so relaxed and help me distracting everything else from my view.

Gender Roles and Stereotypes

In my opinion I think that gender equality in the last years has been growing up in the societies. Now job opportunities for women and men are equally paid for any serious company, the majority of the stereotypes that the web page shows, in the last decade it´s not more a problem and it´s seems weird that a family teach that to their sons, things like “women don´t need to go to college” or “as husbands, men tell their wifes what to do” are thoughts that stayed in the past, now our society it´s more equal in many senses.