
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020

My experience learning English

Hi, today I am going to write about my experience learning English, first of all between my experience in the school and in the university I learned more in my school, because I had English since I have memories and where I studied it was very important the use of this language, so for that part I prefer my school, otherwise the university has been helping me for don´t loose that knowledge for now, so in that way it is nice have classes and you need to talk or listen carefully. For the same reason I think that the use of blogs helps a lot for keep learning week to week, write about different things it obliges us to learn new vocabulary of the topic for write about it, and for other part, the comments by others classmates helps a lot for feedback and to feel less alone when you write, because you are “talking” with someone.   I think that the thing I need to improve the most is the talking part, because in the day I don´t have a person in my side talking to me on English, but may in the

My favorite music (from all time)

Hi everyone, I’m going to talk about my favorite music, for that I will answer the next questions.   1.       Why do you like to listen to music? 2.       What it´s my favorite music? 3.       Who are my favorites singers/bands? 4.       Which are my favorites albums? 5.       Which songs from that album do I recommend listening to?   First of all, I like to listen to music because it helps me for focus in my routine, for example when I am doing projects for taller and I am working on AutoCAD, I always listen to music for motivation and at the same time for relaxation, when I´m working at three in the morning I need to heard music, otherwise I will fall sleep. My favorite music it depends of the day, because somedays I want to listen reggaeton and trap for motivation and other days I play rock, pop, grunge, hip-hop, etc. I like a lot of different music because in my house, my family always play it, so it is hereditary. My favorite band is in first place Imagine Dragons since I´m teenag

What I want to change about my study programme?

Today I will write about my study programme, first of all I want to say that my curriculum it is not too bad, in these two years that I have been studying I learned a lot of things that I never expected I was going to know, but it´s a reality that we always have to try to improve, so in that logic I think that the way that we learn in taller it´s very disgusting for moments, when we get in the career we have to fail over and over again to find a good way for our projects, that situation could be very difficult to many people, and it´s one of the mainly reasons that why people get out of the career in first year, it´s very stressing learn since the failure and even more with teachers that not help a lot. I know that it´s a BauHaus and modern way to learn architecture, but that method was created near a century ago, so I think that we need to wonder about how our study programme teach the creative process, and for that it could be better that the learning be based in feedback between stu

What I would like to study in a postgraduate course

I would like to study a postgraduate course about green architecture, because I think that it´s one of the most relevant points in the future of the career and every construction will be green with the environment, finding the way to create new materials to build and design strategies wondering in our relation with our planet and how we care of it. Other option for me it is study a course or major about the relation between architecture and visual products, like movies, TV series, videogames, etc. I think that it could be a good option because since my childhood I always watched movies and played videogames that had a very strong impact in that years (and now too), so find the way to mix those two things could be an interesting postgraduate course.   Secondly, I would like to study in other country, preferentially Spain or simply European, because I had an wound in my life because I have never traveled abroad, only to Argentina when I was 17 years old, but I have to do it because for m