My future job

First of all, I don´t have very clear what I want to do in the future, I join to this career (architecture) because I really like how you can create from nothing, only using your creativity and the things that a person learn in the career you can elaborate something physical while you are improving with your work to other people, generating employment or better life quality. So, in that way I could work on creative experiences that make sense with the creative process that we learn in the university, in simple words it could be urbanism investigations, a movie production, or just an architectural project. 

Thinking in the last point, we as architects are very important for the future of the humanity, because we are the guys that design spaces for the rest of the society, so in the next years (and already now) topics like global warming and a green way to carry our lives it will be very necessary, be part of that “green architecture” could be another job for me, but for that I need to study a lot now and keep doing it for a while. 

Anyway I´m supposing all and really, I don´t know what I want to do specifically, this career has a lot of opportunities and I like that very much.


  1. Hello Jose! I love how you talk about architecture, it is something very deep on your part.
    I also think that this career has many options.

  2. I think the way you described architecture is very accurate! I don't what to either but we still have a long journey to know :D

  3. I think exactly like you, architecture has been very important through the history of the world. And it's nice that you have an environmental perspective as an architecture student!


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