Conversation Questions - Giving my opinions

What is your opinion about smart phones? 
I think that smart phones changed our concept of life, because we will never need again send letters to communicate between us, we said goodbye to all that time waiting a feedback. Also, it`s so useful have a smart phone because thanks to google and the others search websites, we have so much information and knowledge that brings us many possibilities when we need to investigate or search something for the university for example. 

What is your opinion about women in the military? 
I´m a believer of genre equality, so the fact of a women can join to military forces it´s a good thing, something that its necessary to happen, because in an institution where you think in it and instantly the “men” idea goes to your head, it´s something that we need to change, anybody can do whatever, it´s not an genre thing; because if a few women or men can do, everybody with perseverance and work also can do it.

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians? 
Since the back of democracy Chilean politicians had not heard deeply social demands with responsibility that they need to have, so all those years didn´t hearing carried to social manifestations in 2006, 2011 and finally 2019, that shows that Chilean politicians have had wrong decisions in the last thirty years. They need to listen the people and do the best for all, stop the neoliberal model because segregates Chilean population. 

What is your opinion about violence on television? 
This theme it´s difficult to answer, because television has a family schedule and other only +18, so in the night in theory children can´t watch T.V, but the reality it´s not like this and only depends to the family. But I agree more with violence from a movie that from news channels, because one is real and the other it´s fiction, a kid maybe don´t understand that but with parental control you can regulate that.

What is your opinion about fortune telling? 
I don´t believe too much in fortune telling, because I think that it works with people`s suggestion, when somebody believes something because other person said to him that it works if he believes in it, and after that the other person tell him a thing that would happen to him or any person in this planet, I don´t know, it´s so suspicious to me. 

What is your opinion about soap operas on Chilean TV? telenovelas
Since I was child, I never watched a soap opera because in a normal day they were streaming in the night, while I was trying sleep because at the next day, I was going to the school, so my parents don´t left me watch TV, but in the school my friends always spoke about a soap opera when it was nearly to end. I didn’t grow up with that memories and honestly, now being more older than in that times, It´s indifferent to me their existence, I don’t hate it but neither I love it, I understand why people likes it but it´s not my kind of entertainment. 

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana? 
I think that legalizing marijuana it could be a good thing for the Chilean society, because when you make something legal, the drug trafficking decreases by the simple reason that you can find the product in too many places, it´s not necessary that you meet with an dealer stranger to get your drug, now that drug it sells in safety places with the approval of the society, like cigarettes.  

What is your opinion about climate change? 

Climate change it´s a topic that we need to understand once time for all the whole humanity, because it´s arriving to our lifes every time more, we need to be responsible with the climate change, if we don’t work on that, we won´t have a future for the next generations, and they won´t be able to enjoy all the beautiful things that our planet has, that we have. We can´t be selfish with our future, the climate change it´s happening now and we need to do all our best to stop the global warming.

What is your opinion about cloning? 
I think that cloning people it could be a problem to humanity, because we could experiment a loss of identity and that can damage our relationships between us but also our moral can be damaged too. So, in a nearly future I think that it´s not the way that the humanity needs to take, less now, when we have seven billions of people in the world.

What is your opinion about recycling?
Recycling it´s a good thing for our planet, it helps us to generate less trash and contamination, recycling it´s something that I hope so everybody do, because if all the human being support it, we can do too much changes in our concept of life, helping our planet and helping us. 

What is your opinion about “barras bravas”?
“Barras bravas” it´s a concept that born from soccer, at least in South America, and it´s a kind of bad fanatism for a soccer team, because they have made bad things in the half of a match, doing wrong things to the opposite team and fighting with the antagonist “barra brava”, one case it´s the super classic match in Chile, between Colo-Colo and Universidad de Chile, when always happen a bad thing between both “barras bravas”. 

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I think that it´s fine legalizing abortion in some cases like in case of rape, but I think that the abortion needs to be free for any woman that want to do it, because it´s her body and she can decide for herself. So, in any case should be free and legal, because too many women die at year doing illegal abortion, so do it legal can safe too much lifes.


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